Remove SRDF Group

Remove SRDF group srdf_rmdg

  • Issue a query:   symrdf -g srdf_rmdg query
  • Obtain the rdfg number which will be required in order to run the delete:   symcfg -sid 111 list -rdfg all
  • Suspend srdf using the pairtable file:   symrdf -file orneorus_pair suspend -sid 111 -rdfg 5
  • Issue a query:   symrdf -g srdf_srdf_rmdg query
  • The pairing now needs to be removed:   symrdf deletepair -file orneorus_pair -sid 111 -rdfg 5
  • Finally remove the rdf group:   symrdf removegrp -sid 111 -lable rmdg
  • Issue a query which show as invalid:   symrdf -g srdf_srdf_rmdg query
  • Remove the device group:   symdg -sid 111 delete srdf_rmdg -force

Rememeber the DG must also be removed from all of the production and management servers.

NOTE (OWN): SRDF allows you to perform SRDF control operations on dynamic SRDF pairs within the more-often-used context of a device group instead of a device file by specifying -g GroupName on a createpair command line. Thereafter all other SRDF control commands involving the dynamic SRDF pairs can be executed within the context of a device group (for example, DynaGrp). Once the SRDF pairs’ RDF link state is Not Ready (NR), for instance, you can cancel those dynamic SRDF pairings as follows:
symrdf deletepair -g DynaGrp