
Setting up SRDF

  • Check RDF is enabled on both arrays:    symcfg -sid 111 list -v|grep -i rdf
  • Look for Dynamic RDFConfiguration State. If disabled enable by running symconfigure containing the following: set symmterix dynamic_rdf=enable;
  • Check that RDF is enabled on both the Source (R1) and Target (R2): symdev list -dynamic
  • If devices are not listed, enable RDF by running symconfigure script containing: set dev XXXX attribute=dyn_rdf;
  • Check that RDF directors are online: symcfg -sid 111 list -ra all
  • Check connectivity to the remote Array via ping of the rdf directors: symrdf -sid 270 -rdf ping
  • If you cannot see the remote array then run the below and retry ping: symcfg list -ra all -switched

Complete the rest of setup from the Source (R1) site

  • Create the RDF group 3 on the directors on both the syms. View the rdf groups after adding the group: symrdf addgrp -label APP01 -rdfg 3 -sid 111 -dir 4d,13d -remote_sid 270 -remote_dir 4d,13d -remote_rdfg 3 -gige

symcfg -sid 111 list -rdfg all

  • Create the device pairing file. Source (R1) on LHS and Target (R2) on RHS

         0XXX     0YYY

  • The following command will create the RDF device pairing, create a Solutions Enabler R1 device group and initiate a full establish: symrdf -file APP01_pair -sid 111 -rdfg 3 -type rdf1 -establish -g srdf_APP01 createpair
  • To avoid flooding the network, the mode needs to be changed to Adaptive Copy Disk (Backgroud):    symrdf -g  srdf_APPR01 set mode acp_disk
  • You can see the progression of the establish by entering:   symrdf -g srdf_APPR01 query
  • To be continuously updated about the progress: symrdf -g srdf_APPR01 query -i 30 -c 20
  • Once there are only a few tracks left to copy, the mode should be set to ASYNC before enabling consistency. Check using the query command to ensure the status changes to consistent. This may take a few minutes.

         symrdf -g srdf_APPR01 set mode async

  • In order for the group to be consistent it needs to be enabled:   symrdf -g srdf_APPR01 enable

Below notes from, SE 75 SRDF CLI.pdf

Enable and disable consistency protection for SRDF/A devices
The enable action enables consistency protection for devices in SRDF/Asynchronous mode by device group or device list. If data cannot be copied from the R1 to the R2, all devices in the group will be made not ready on the links to preserve R2 data consistency. To enable consistency protection for SRDF/A pairs in device group prod, enter:
symrdf -g prod enable

To enable consistency protection for SRDF/A pairs listed in device file devfile1, enter:
symrdf -file devfile1 -sid 123 -rdfg 10 enable

The disable action disables consistency protection for devices in SRDF/Asynchronous mode by device group or device list. If data cannot be copied from the R1 to the R2, then only the devices in the group that are experiencing problems will be made not ready on the links. The device state for any remaining devices in the group will remain the same. To disable consistency protection for SRDF/A pairs in device group prod, enter:
symrdf -g prod disable

To disable consistency protection for SRDF/A pairs listed in device file devfile1, enter:
symrdf -file devfile1 -sid -rdfg 10 disable


  • Export the Solutions Enabler Device Group information to the production hosts at the R1 site:   symdg export -f srdf_APP01 srdfa_APPR01
  • On other production hosts or other management hosts on the R1 site which would need this device group:   symrdf import -file /srdfa_APPR01 srdfa_APP01
  • Create a Solutions ENabler R2 device group containing the R2s on the management host at the R2 site:   symdg create -type RDF2 srdfa_APP01
  • Add the R2 device into the device group:   symld -sid 270 -g srdfa_APP01 add dev 0YYY
  • Export the Solutions Enabler Device Group information and import on all production hosts at R2 site:   symdg export -f srdfa_APP01 srdfa_APP01
  • On the target host, the symdg import command builds the RDF2 device group using the definitions from the text file:   symdg import /srdfa_APP01 srdfa_APP01
  • The symld list command displays the new RDF2 device group: tgt# symld -g srdfa_APP01 list
  • The Traget (R2) devices can now be masked to the production hosts